Wednesday, September 10, 2008

well I scrambled and we made the quota for the fundraiser thanks to Erin, Mom, Brenna and Shawn! I brought it to school this afternoon and when Keelin got in the car at carpool she was soo excited because they called her name because she made her quota and her name got announced and tomorrow all the kids that made their quoto get to throw a pie in the face of either the principal or the teacher. She was like mom thank you thank you over and over again. She said only 4 other kids in the 1st grade made their quota so she is thrilled! We just got home from a shopping trip to the mall. I usually try to avoid those but she needed a skirt for school tomorrow. They get to no wear their uniforms tomorrow because they are having Patriotic Day since it is 9/11. They are supposed to wear red white and blue but they have to wear a skirt as long as their uniform which is to their knees. Can you believe I went to Old Navy, Khols, Target, Walmart and none of them had anything that went anywhere near her knees!!!! so stupid and not right!

1 comment:

Erin said...

yeah, pie in the face! Go Keelin!