Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Birthday

Well my birthday was this passed weekend and my sweet little baby Keelin decided she wanted to throw me a birthday party. She sent out invitations and everything. We had it at our house and she had balloons and she helped nana make a cake and she wanted subs for adults and happy meals for the kids and she also had a pin the nose on the clown game and she made goody bags for everyone. So sweet. I do not have any pictures and I am very sorry for that I wish so bad I ahd one of me and her. She deserved some sort of record of it.I was having major eye problems that night and the flash from cameras about killed me the one picture i was in I actually had to go lay down in the dark. I wish I had been better. I think I got too hot that day at Keelins soccer game it was 90 something that day and then I had to clean the house in 1 1/2 hours and them get myself ready I think somewhere I messed myself up. I have major guilt over Saturday. Ugh being a mother just make my middle name Guilt. Anyway I was very happy that she had a party for me it was great. Erin and I went out later that night and it was fun. We went to a silly bar and everyone seemed about 14 and were listening to crap rap I have never heard of and doing dances I did not know. Erin and I discussed whether we are getting old or if they are just stupid. We settled on stupid. I think I had the most fun at the bar I used to work at and me and erin just sat at the bar and hung out and talked. hahahahaaa maybe I am getting old. We did go to another bar after that and it was goofy too. erin got hit on like left and right. Being out with her can be a blow to your ego. thankfully I already knew this fact so I didnt get too upset! we got home around 3:30am so I am not THAT old! School wore me out today My brain feels swollen! My psychology class is good but slightly stressful. So much controversy discussed and papers due every second and every class we have to speak in front of the class on things we feel and think about on the world today. Very interesting but very exhausting especially when you REALLY disagree on what someone else says. Keelin has a fundraiser do tomorrow and I forgot to get it to everyone and she is going to be so sad we didnt sell anything. I need to scramble and figure something out between now and in the morning. Maybe I can make phone calls and bring it later in the morning into the school and just say we accidently left it at home when i dropped her at school??? Ugh fundraisers!

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