Wednesday, August 13, 2008

everybody is feeling better

we went to the neurologist yesterday and they said they are almost certain it's Bell's Palsy. That is a good thing. We do have a MRI scheduled for friday just to recheck everything. Shawn is so happy he feels like a giant weight has been lifted. The face paralysis is not so fun but he knows its way better than what could have been.

Keelin started school Monday. I was soooooo nervous for my baby. Her first day of 1st grade in a new school where she didn't know anyone. This school is very different than what she is used to. It is a private Christian school with VERY traditional values. It is a very structured school with lots of rules. And it is a long day they start at 7:55 and get out at 3pm. I do like that they have old fashioned values. I am so tired of seeing little girls dressing and acting like teenagers. They aren't little girls anymore. I think it is the parents fault. I guess parents do not filter things for their children. But then again I have not kept my daughter in the dark but I think I let her know whats acceptable for a girl her age and whats not. Like I would not let her have a Bratz doll, that just goes along with the little girl teenager thing. I encourage her to dress like a 6 year old. I have seen little girls the same age in belly shirts and low rise jeans with platform sandals! I like the fact that Keelin is getting a Christian education because I do not get to church on Sundays like I should and I like that she will still get the knowledge. They also have a mandatory church service every Thursday during school. They have a special uniform for that day. I was so happy when she got in the car Monday and told me she had the "bestest day of her whole life!" she said she made 6 new friends and she loved her teacher. So I am happy. Today she still loved it. She said some of the kids were cranky today I just told her that the kids are probably tired and trying to get used to getting up so early.
Kinsey looks OK today. i am still worried she still has the rash but not nearly as severe as it was. I guess maybe its just going to take awhile. The picture of her was before they got to thir worst. Also the flash kept muting them abit but you get the picture. It has been an eventful past week. I am greatful for everyone in my life. I love my family. This stuff really makes you think about all the scary stuff. I think Shawn and I are closer than ever. We had a talk I thought I wouldn't have till I was old and gray. Anyway.............I am a little sad my summer break is almost over. I have to start school again next tuesday. BOOHOO. Oh well. I am excited about my psychology class. I already took advanced psych and loved it so bring on the psych class!


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Praise the Lord for no stroke! Wow, what a week. I can't believe that rash on poor Kinsey...and it's better?!?!?!?!?!? Keelin looks absolutely adorable in her uniform! I'm so happy she is loving school...that is great. The boys start Friday and we met Cutter's teacher tonite...she is very soft spoken and very nice. He was relieved to have met her and will be a little less anxious come Friday a.m.!
Kiss your girls for me.

Ranch wife said...

Hi, So glad that all is better. Just wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you and your family.


KELLI MC said...

This passed week has been very strange. My husband and I had a chance to look at our life differently than we had before. I already knew I had a wonderful family but I guess I didn't realize how many people actually really cared about us. I am really happy, blessed, lucky, etc. I can't thank everyone enough.