Saturday, December 27, 2008

Missing MY Kansas Christmas.

Well it's the day after Christmas and I am sad. But that's the usual for me. I am silly I know. I am a HUGE CHRISTMAS GOOBER. I think I wait all year for Christmas. I can't wait to watch all the cheezy lifetime movies and all the rest of my traditions. I think my problem comes from my family. My Christmas growing up was always a drawn out process. It would start with Santa coming early like on the 22 or 23rd. And then going to Kansas, Christmas eve at The church in Wellington(my favorite part always being silent night with candles in the dark) Christmas day at the Shore's then days following with various family members, Gram, aunts, uncles, cousins(cousin reunion at Dixie's), Having soooooo much fun. I guess I have always identified myself in that way. That that part of my family is who I am. I don't know if they know that or understand that. It is just such a huge part of who I am and how I feel. My love for them, their lives, that part of the country haunts me. yes haunts. because it is so close but so far away. I wish I could readily be apart of it but financially I can't. I can't wait for the day that I can just plan a trip and do it! Ugh so icky sad!!!!! Even Keelin gets it. She cried and said she wants to be in Kansas. Anyway, wish I was there, want to be there, will eventually be there. Love you all and miss you all.


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Sending many warm Christmas wishes from KS...miss you guys too! Thank goodness for the technology...we get to "talk" more often than ever!!!

Erin said...

I know, it stinks.